How to Live a Long Life
The average human life span is 78 years, but there are plenty of ways to live longer
and enjoy a more full, healthy life lifestyle.malaysiantalks. The key is to make healthy choices, such as
exercising regularly and avoiding smoking.

Here's to a happy, healthy, long life! - The Wealth Quay
Getting enough sleep is another important part of longevity. Studies have found that
people who get six to eight hours of sleep each night are less likely to die from heart
disease or diabetes than those who don’t. And a good night’s rest may also help you
recover from illness more quickly, says psychologist Dr. Pacheco, who runs a
wellness clinic in Los Angeles.
A strong sense of purpose and a passion for living are also life-long perks. Japanese
researchers found that men with a strong sense of purpose were less likely to die
from stroke, heart disease or other causes over a 13-year period than those who
weren’t clear about themselves.
One way to increase your sense of purpose is to find things you enjoy doing. Doing
things you love not only prolongs your life but can also reduce stress and improve
your mood, experts say.
Staying in close contact with friends and family has been linked with longevity, too.
Social relationships add happiness and support to your life and can lower stress,
researchers have found.
Eating a varied diet is also important, experts recommend. It should include a
variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean meats. Avoid foods high in
fats and sugars, as well as alcoholic beverages.
If you’re overweight, you’re more likely to develop health problems like heart
disease and cancer. To keep your weight in check, exercise regularly and eat
healthy snacks between meals.

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The Mediterranean diet is a great option because it’s rich in whole grains, fruits and
vegetables. It also limits alcohol and contains less saturated fat and fewer calories
than most American diets, which can help you maintain a healthier weight and boost
your longevity, researchers have found.
Exercising is an essential part of longevity, says Dr. Pacheco, who runs acupuncture
and other wellness services in Los Angeles. It reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes,
heart disease and depression, and it can help you manage stress.
A healthy diet is an important part of living a long, healthy life, and it’s easier to
stick to than you might think. It’s also important to eat foods that are high in fiber,
which helps reduce your risks for many chronic diseases.
Having healthy habits, such as being conscientious and managing your stress levels,
can also help you live longer. While genetics can play a role, environment and
lifestyle factors are much more significant.
To keep your body at its strongest, eat a balanced diet that includes lots of whole
grains, low-fat dairy and lean meats, as well as fruits and veggies. Limit your intake
of sugar, refined flour and junk food, and replace them with healthy options, such as
nuts, seeds, whole-wheat pasta, beans and fish.